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How to test your theme's integration with Stylaquin

It’s always a good idea to test your theme to make sure the integration between Stylaquin and your theme and other apps is working as expected. This is especially true if you have a custom theme or are using a lot of apps on your Shopify site.

How to test

We recommend you test on both Apple and PC devices for desktop/laptop, and iOS and Android for mobile.

What to test

There are 4 basic areas of integration to test. Stylaquin Bar functionality, Look Book functionality, Idea Board functionality, and Cart Integration functionality.

Test the Stylaquin bar

Drag a product thumbnail image onto the Stylaquin Bar. This will open the Stylaquin Look Book where the product’s images will be displayed. Be sure to drag items from a category or collection page, rather than the home page, as home page images may not be linked to a product.

Resize the browser window and make sure both the Shopify side, and the Stylaquin Look Book side, repaint properly.

Look Book functionality

Drag another product onto the Stylaquin bar. You should see the product you dragged displayed in the Look Book.

Change some of the settings for the product, like color or size, then click the “Add to Idea Board” button. This will add the product to the Stylaquin Idea Board and open the Idea Board feature. In the Idea Board, check that the options you selected are correctly displayed with the product.

Idea Board functionality

In the Stylaquin Idea Board, you should be able to change colors and sizes of items, and see your choices display correctly in the image and product selectors that are below the product image.

Cart integration

In the Stylaquin Idea Board, add a product to the store’s cart Shopify. You can do this by clicking the “Add to cart” button or dragging the item up into the cart area of the Stylaquin Idea Board. First check that the Shopify cart’s Icon (cart or bag) shows the number of items in the cart. You will find the cart/bag icon at the top right of the Shopify window. Then open the store’s Shopify cart to make sure the item has been successfully added.

In the store’s Shopify cart, change the quantity of the item or delete the item. Check that the Idea Board is showing the change you just made.

That covers the basics!