5 Ways to Increase Your Shopify Sales

5 Ways to Increasing Shopify Sales

1) Get your site to stand out and be memorable.

Stylaquin is an engagement engine that adds the tools and experience power-shoppers love. It creates Look Book pages for each product using our algorithm. Instead of clicking through each image one by one, customers see a full page of product images. If they like something, they can save it on their Idea Board. They can collect and curate all the items they like and see them all together, change colors and sizes till they get exactly what they want. Stylaquin increases time on site by over 70%, increases items viewed by over 100% and has a 3.5% higher conversion rate when shoppers use it. Now available in the Shopify App Store.

2) Capture your visitors emails so you can market to them.

It’s easy to set up an opt-in form in Shopify has several to choose from in their marketplace. Typically they appear when a visitor lands on the site. Don’t make them annoying or disruptive, and never put them on the checkout page since they can disrupt the purchase that is in the works. You’d rather have a sale today than a email for later, right?

The cover of the Smart Shopify SEO Builder.

This easy to understand, eight page guide, will teach you how Google sees your website (hint: It’s not the way you do) and how to leverage that for more traffic and more sales. Download your copy today!

3) Develop an editorial calendar

Once you have some emails to get going, develop an editorial calendar and send them relevant and interesting emails. Resist the urge to just relentlessly offer discounts. Most small stores don’t have a wide enough selection to make targeted discounts work and if customers would buy it without a discount, you are giving out free money. Think about what you are selling and why it’s interesting and talk about that. Offer coupons and discounts from time to time especially on days like cyber-Monday and Black Friday.

4) Set up a push campaign for abandoned carts.

Many sites have abandoned cart rates of over 75%—yikes! One of the easiest ways to get customers to come back is to send them a push notification. Think of it as a gentle reminder that they left something in their cart and it is still there waiting for them. Be careful of offering discounts. While a discount may get the ball rolling it also teaches customers that they will get a deal if they don’t make a purchase right away. Shopify’s marketplace has several plugins that will make adding a push campaign easy.

5) Integrate with Facebook and Instagram

If you already have a good following on Facebook and Instagram, why not magnify their impact by connecting them to your Shopify site? Here’s a link to Shopify’s guide to integrating Facebook and Instagram with your site. [https://www.shopify.com/facebook-instagram]

How to get customers to come back

5 simple truths about getting more customers back to your Shopify website

Marketers often talk about the Sales Funnel. New customers go in the top and lost customers come out the bottom. The more customers who stay in the funnel, the better your overall sales will be since return customers typically buy more and more often. Many marketers focus on getting more customers into the funnel by buying ads and offering discounts. But if they are pouring out the bottom it can get very expensive. If you can reduce the number of customers that leave and never return, you will see big changes over time.

What is a good attrition rate?

Attrition is the number of customers that leave in a given period of time and don’t return. Every industry has a different benchmark, clothing has a higher attrition rate than grocery. Time between orders is another factor, if you just bought a refrigerator, you probably won’t be in the market for another one for years. No matter what you are selling, here are 5 truths about why customers leave and what you can to to fix them.

1) Boring sites don’t inspire return visits.

Put yourself in your customer’s shoes—there are infinite sites to choose from, do you go back to the boring one you’ve already visited, or just pick a different site? There are plenty of ways to make your site stand out. Great photography and design are key to having a site that stands out. Be sure to keep your target customer in mind when you design your site. What is inspirational to a 45 year old accountant, probably won’t do much for a 15 year old skateboarder. It seems obvious, but if your designer isn’t focused on the right customer for your products they won’t be showcased in ways that appeal to that customer. Here’s a tool that can help get everyone headed in the right direction the
Smart Shopify Persona Builder

This easy to understand seven page guide will teach you how to create useful personas so that you can market more effectively and truly engage your customers.

Download your copy today!


2) We would rather do fun things.

Let’s say you have a Shopify store selling women’s clothing. You can and must make it visually compelling for your target customer, but the basic shopping experience isn’t going to stand out since they are all the same. You can add a discount wheel, but discounts hurt your bottom line. You can change your theme, add loyalty programs or widgets but if you really want to improve the shopping experience you should look at what Stylaquin can do for a website. Stylaquin is coming to the Shopify App Marketplace in Spring of 2022. Here’s a link to a 2 minute video that explains what Stylaquin is and why it works so darn well. If you’d like to get in on Stylaquin before your competition, consider joining the Shopify Beta Group.


3. Life is your biggest online competitor.

Sometimes customers leave because life gets in the way—the doorbell rings, their boss calls or the commute ends. Giving them a nudge can get them back on board. Shopify has several plugins in their marketplace that will help you get started. Stylaquin also helps with abandoned carts because the items on the Idea Board are saved till the cookie expires, usually 7 days on an Apple device, longer on PCs. Being able to go back and see what they liked, but didn’t buy, gets customers back to where they were before they were interrupted fast. 

4. Best sellers beat new items.

Merchants fall in love with their new items. Customers may or may not. Focusing on new items keeps a site fresh but best sellers are where the money is. When you showcase products on the home page, make sure to showcase best sellers rather than just new items. By their very nature bestsellers are the products most customers bought and so they are the most likely to attract new customers. If your bestsellers are not all that sexy, spend some time and energy on making them look great. It will really pay off. Increasing sales of best sellers by 5% will probably do more than increasing stale or underperforming products by 50%. 

5. They just forgot about you.

Once a customer leaves your website they’ll probably forget about you. Adding a new experience like Stylaquin will help you stand out, but getting an email and marketing to them regularly is even better. There are several Opt-in forms available on the Shopify Marketplace. Choose the one that integrates with your marketing strategy, your CRM, and email providers.

Are your customers Cheap or Chic?

Are your customers Cheap or Chic?

Finding out your customers attitudes towards pricing is not always straight forward. It is also often overlooked in favor of more tangible differentiators like income or gender. Everyone falls somewhere on the Cheap vs Chic scale and, like most things involving data, it’s a bell curve with most people falling in the middle.

Cheap customers

Cheap customers are looking for bargains, it doesn’t matter if they are millionaires or just getting by. They consider saving both a virtue and part of the shopping experience. There are rich folks who will gleefully tell you they just saved a bundle on something they could easily afford to pay full price for.  The savings is the reward and they may still buy a top tier item, they just really, really love a bargain. Any brand can tap into this by having regular sales and offering special discounts that reward customers. Amazon Prime Day is a great example of this. Amazon rarely has the lowest prices, they focus on, selection, convenience and fast shipping, but one day a year they remind cheap customers that they are a good place to shop. Once Amazon gets them in the door the great selection, convenience and fast shipping may turn a somewhat cheap customer into a regular customer. If you are already a bargain business, cheap customers are your bread and butter, you just have to keep reassuring your customers that they are getting the very best deal. It is highly unlikely that cheap customers will become chic customers, but they make a great addition to your list because they will buy when things go on sale.

This easy to understand seven page guide will teach you how to create useful personas so that you can market more effectively and truly engage your customers.

Download your copy today!


Chic customers

Chic customers  only want the best, which is usually the most expensive. You don’t have to offer discounts but you do need to have the best. Chic customers respond to beautiful photography, and limited copy. When they buy $400 sweaters, they expect the price to be their guarantee of quality. They want to be admired for the brands they wear and the company they keep. While chic customers are usually assumed to be higher income than cheap customers, seeing themselves as chic is more about who they are than how much they make. Target is more chic than Walmart even though they sell similar items. Ikea is more chic than Bob’s, even though Bob’s furniture is probably more expensive. It’s highly unlikely that chic customers will become cheap customers, though who doesn’t love a good sale?

It’s hard to engage both

Don’t try to change these customers, just give them what they want. If you have a large group of cheap customers, put them into a segment. Most stores have customers who only shop the sale section and who interact with sale emails. Chic customers are the ones who who only look at new arrivals and don’t interact with sales emails, so that’s a good place to start. You should set up a customer person for your chic customers and another for your cheap customers so you can target the more effectively. If you’d like help putting together personas for your customers, click to download the Smart Shopify Persona Builder.

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