How to boost your Shopify conversion rate

Stylaquin logo in orange

Shoppers stay longer, view more, come back more, and buy more!

How do you increase your Shopify conversion rate?

Once an online store has gotten over the first hurdle, which is getting traffic, the second hurdle is conversions. Getting shoppers to visit your store is different from getting to buy things from your store. Crazy stunts and amazing sales can bring in traffic, but if what you’re selling doesn’t match up with the type of customer you’re attracting, your conversion rate is going to be crap city. 

Start with your target customer

Are they cheap, or chic. All shoppers fall somewhere on the curve below.

Bell curve with Chic on one side and Cheap on the other.

Chic shoppers

Chic shoppers want beautiful images, plenty of white space, and no mention of savings or pricing. Prices don’t scare them because they expect to pay for the best. Chic shoppers may buy less, so the conversion rate may be lower, but they are willing to spend more when they find what they want. Chic shoppers are interested in trends, and name brands. They like to be a little ahead of the curve and see themselves as trend setters.

Cheap shoppers

Cheap shoppers don’t want to see you spending an extra dime, they want you to give them the best price possible. They will sort through a mountain of offers if it means winning the best price for an item. They live for sales and come armed with discount codes. They convert when they feel they’ve found the best available deal. Cheap shoppers are not necessarily short of cash, they just love to save money. It’s as much of a lifestyle choice as being a chic shoppers is. Cheap shoppers are just as happy telling you how they saved $10 on a small item as they are saving thousands on a new car.

The great middle

Shoppers in the middle are looking for a balance of chic and cheap. They’ll spend more for things they value, and you can still entice them with a sale or coupon. We all see ourselves as a little younger and a little chicer than we actually are so, unless you are going for rock bottom prices, try to make your site a little prettier and a little cooler than your basic target customer. Shoppers in the great middle convert when they see themselves in a brand, and feel confident in the value they’re getting.

Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

So how do you increase conversion rates?

You can increase your store’s conversion rate by making sure the customer you’re marketing to is the type of customer who will see themselves in your store’s brand and products. If you’re attracting chic traffic and offering lots of cheap or discounted products, they will not see themselves in your brand and they’ll leave. Same goes the other way. If you’re attracting cheap traffic and offering high-end products, they’ll bounce lickety-split. 

Add a Styling Board and a Wishlist!

The Stylaquin Idea Board keeps customers engaged in two ways: it’s an interactive styling board where shoppers can collect and curate all the things that interest them; and it also acts as a wishlist that shoppers can return to. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

Animated gif showing a laptop displaying Stylaquin's Idea Board

The magic of best sellers

If there is one secret weapon you can deploy that will help you win any type of customer it’s your best sellers. They are best sellers for a reason. If you have Stylaquin on your site, you can easily find your best sellers, most viewed products, and more in the insights panel. Make sure your best sellers are shown on your site’s home page and are featured in the site’s navigation. New shoppers are statistically more likely to buy best selling items than they are to buy anything else you offer. 

Sale items

Unless you’re attracting the very chicest of chic shoppers, having a sale area is smart. If shoppers see that they are in over their heads price wise, they may still check out the sale pages. Unless you are specifically targeting a cheap customer, don’t put sale items on the home page. Promoting sale items tends to build a cheap customer base. That’s only a good thing if selling on price is a part of your strategy.  

Try Stylaquin

An easy and inexpensive way to increase your conversion rates is to add Stylaquin to your site. Stylaquin engages and delights shoppers so they stay longer, view more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Stylaquin shoppers stay over 3 minutes longer and view more than 4 additional items when they shop. The conversion rate is over 1% higher. The real kicker is that Stylaquin shoppers are over three times more likely to become repeat visitors, and the conversion rate on repeat visits is up to 9% higher. Not bad for an app that starts at just $29/month. 

How to make a fabulous Instagram reel in under 1 minute

You can make a fabulous Instagram reel in less than one minute with Stylaquin

BIG shoutout to John Collins for coming up with this idea! In a recent demo for Stylaquin, John pointed out that Stylaquin would make it super easy to create beautiful instagram and Facebook reels and posts. I was gobsmacked. Of course it would! He said that in order to get any traction with social media these days he had to post at least three times a day and it was taking a LOT of his time. With Stylaquin he could just use the Idea Board pages, which are generated automatically and make screen grabs and recordings. 

I wanted to see how long it took me to make an Instagram reel and, once I got the screen sized properly, it was less than a minute. I could have done a week’s worth of reels (21) in under half an hour. Talk about a time saver.  

So here’s how to make your reel. (You do need a Stylaquin enabled Shopify website to do this.) Set your screen size to about 1708 x 1174 pixels. You want the recording area to be 1080 x 1080 pixels for Instagram, and you need a little extra room to crop out the browser top and edges. I added an image of the screen area being recorded and a recording of what I did to create the recording above. 

Picture of a Stylaquin enabled site with the Look Book window highlighted.

Once you have the area you want to record selected, all you have to do is drag or flick the products you want to showcase onto the Stylaquin bar. Stylaquin’s algorithm automatically makes layouts using the images in the Shopify products carousel.

Practice dragging the products before you record, so that you’re sure you like the layouts. If the internet is slow, dragging each product will also cache the images in your computers memory so there’s no loading time. If you don’t like the layout in the Idea Board, you can easily change it by changing the order of the images in the Shopify image carousel. Because the layouts are fully responsive, they will also change when the size of the browser window changes. This means that the layout for your Instagram reels won’t look exactly like your Facebook shorts. How cool is that? 

Making the reel was quick and easy. The hardest part was remembering not to let the mouse curser go into the area being recorded. 

Pro tip: You can also adjust the Stylaquin bar position by sliding it side to side. This makes it easy to get the side to side size dialed in.

So to recap, Stylaquin makes it easy to create Instagram reels in under one minute. You can create layouts for all of your products as images even faster. If you’re on the Shopify basic plan this would only cost $29/month. But honestly, you should add Stylaquin to your Shopify site because it makes shopping more fun, so shoppers stay longer, often over three minutes longer. Stylaquin also delights and engages shoppers who use it so much that they come back to the site over three times as often, and they buy more when they do. Stylaquin is awesome on a lot of levels. Book a demo to learn more or head over to the Shopify Marketplace!

How to get site visitors to stay a whopping 3:55 longer.

Adding almost 4 mins in time on site does magical things to SEO

I didn’t pick 3 mins and 55 seconds out of a hat. That’s how much additional time on site one of the larger newly Stylaquin enabled stores saw Stylaquin shoppers spend. This is something we see consistently with Stylaquin shoppers. Once we get some more data, I’ll ask the owner if I can share more info. 

What does adding 3 minutes and 55 seconds do for SEO? 

Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

I asked ChatGPT to act as an SEO expert and explain what adding 3 minutes and 55 seconds would do to a site’s SEO ranking. (Seemed only fair to ask an AI what another AI would think.)

Here’s what it said:

As an SEO expert, analyzing the impact of visitors staying longer on a site due to the use of an app like Stylaquin involves understanding several key factors related to user engagement, site performance metrics, and ultimately, search engine rankings. Here’s a breakdown of the potential impacts:

  1. Increased Session Duration: When visitors stay on a site longer, the session duration increases. This is a positive signal to search engines, suggesting that the content is relevant and engaging to users. A longer session duration can contribute to better search engine rankings because it indicates that the website provides value, keeping users interested for more time.

  2. Improved User Engagement: Stylaquin likely enhances the shopping experience, making it more interactive and personalized. This increased engagement can lead to higher user satisfaction, more pages visited per session, and potentially, a higher conversion rate. Engaged users are more likely to return, recommend the site to others, and convert into customers.

  3. Positive Impact on Bounce Rate: If users find Stylaquin useful and it keeps them on the site longer, they’re less likely to leave the site quickly (bounce). A lower bounce rate is another positive signal to search engines, suggesting that the site meets users’ expectations and needs. This can positively affect the site’s search engine ranking.

  4. Content Discovery and Indexing: The longer visitors stay on the site, the more likely they are to explore and interact with content. This increased interaction can lead to better content discovery by search engines, as it encourages the crawling of more pages. Moreover, engaging and interactive content, such as that provided by Stylaquin, can lead to more internal linking opportunities and improved site structure.

Add a Styling Board and a Wishlist!

The Stylaquin Idea Board keeps customers engaged in two ways: it’s an interactive styling board where shoppers can collect and curate all the things that interest them; and it also acts as a wishlist that shoppers can return to. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

Animated gif showing a laptop displaying Stylaquin's Idea Board
  1. Social Signals and Backlinks: Highly engaged users are more likely to share content on social media or link back to it from their own websites or blogs. Although social signals are not a direct ranking factor for most search engines, they can lead to increased visibility and more organic traffic. Similarly, backlinks from reputable sites can significantly boost SEO efforts by increasing the site’s authority.

  2. Enhanced Mobile Experience: Assuming Stylaquin is mobile-friendly, (Yup, it’s mobile awesome!) this increased time spent can also signify a positive mobile user experience. With mobile-first indexing, search engines prioritize the mobile version of the content for indexing and ranking. A seamless mobile shopping experience can thus further enhance SEO performance.

In summary, the use of Stylaquin and the resulting longer session durations can significantly impact a site’s SEO positively. By improving user engagement, decreasing bounce rates, and encouraging content discovery, it helps create a more favorable view of the site from the perspective of search engines. Consequently, this can lead to better rankings, more organic traffic, and increased conversions, which are critical objectives for any SEO strategy.

Thanks ChatGPT! I couldn’t have said it better myself. I wouldn’t have minded a touch more personality, but to be fair, I didn’t ask for sassy. Maybe next time. 

Get more WOW from the products you have now

How to Promote the right products on your Shopify store's home page

Imagine your home page as the digital red carpet to your store, where you have the power to make a dazzling impression on potential customers. When you strategically select and showcase your products here, you’re not just displaying beautiful items, you’re creating an experience that resonates with your audience. By understanding your customers’ tastes, staying on top of the latest trends, and curating a captivating home page, you can turn visitors into loyal shoppers. So, get ready to boost those conversion rates and sales like a boss! Your home page is your secret weapon in the competitive world of online retail, and it’s time to shine!

Understanding Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is the compass that guides your success in the world of online fashion retail. It’s not just about selling products; it’s about creating a shopping experience tailored to their desires and needs. Knowing your target audience intimately allows you to speak directly to their hearts and capture their attention on your home page. To achieve this, start by identifying who your target customer is. How old are they? What do they care about? What’s trending in their world? Put yourself in their shoes. 

Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

Start with Bestsellers

The best place to go for inspiration on what to put on the home page is your best sellers. Bestsellers should have a prominent place on every home page. Why? Because they’re proven winners. Bestsellers are also a roadmap to seasonality. You probably won’t have the same bestsellers in August that you do in November.

Let Shopify do the heavy lifting

Go to your Shopify sales report, make sure it includes the date the product was sold, the number of products sold as units, the product name and SKU, the price and the profit. Download the report and open it in excel or whatever spreadsheet software you use. Open the file and subtotal the report by product. Some spreadsheets call this categories rather than subtitles. You are trying to find the products with the highest units of sales. If you have Stylaquin installed you can use the Insights Panel to see your best sellers. We have a video titled Bestsellers you can check out to learn more. Just change the date range to see a specific time. 

Use color

This will make spotting the winners easier to see later. Color the cells with the top ten or so products with a bright green color. Then color the next ten or so products with bright blue, and color the following ten or so with bright gold. This will give you an easy way to spot where the best sellers are showing up in each season. 

Sort your table by date

This way you can see where the best sellers are working their magic. Are they all Q4 gifts? Are they summer self purchase? What can you learn from them? Are there any the show up consistently throughout the year? We call those perennial best sellers and they typically are problem solvers. 

Add a Styling Board and a Wishlist!

The Stylaquin Idea Board keeps customers engaged in two ways: it’s an interactive styling board where shoppers can collect and curate all the things that interest them; and it also acts as a wishlist that shoppers can return to. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

Animated gif showing a laptop displaying Stylaquin's Idea Board

But wait! What about new products? 

There has long been a debate about which is more powerful—new products or best sellers. If you want to dive in even deeper here’s a post on the subject. But the short answer is that most of the customers coming to your site will be new. That’s just how the online world works. So showcasing new products on your home page in place of bestsellers is risky. What if the new products are a bust? There are stores that can make showcasing only new products work, and clothing and accessories are frequently about tends. How do  you pick? Not to worry, you can test it!

A/B testing is easy in Shopify

Head over to the App Store and you’ll find lots of apps that offer A/B testing. A/B testing lets you create two versions of a page which are randomly shown to visitors. It allows you to see which version gets you more clicks. You can A/B test headlines, product assortments, images and offers. Be sure to keep your A/B tests clean by not changing too many things at once. It’s also a good idea to keep a diary of what you’ve tested so you can keep track of learnings.

Keep learning, growing and being creative! ““

8 Great Tips to Kickstart Your Holiday Marketing! + FREE gift

Get Your Holiday Sales off to a Sane Start

Okay, so it’s October, and Halloween is almost upon us, which means Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and then OMG the holidays and the busiest time of the year are almost here. If you’re a Shopify store owner selling, well almost anything, getting ahead of the holiday tsunami will help your bottom line and your peace of mind. Here’s a quick list of things to get nailed down now and a free gift from me to make it easier. 

Sales strategy

Unless you only sell Halloween costumes and Thanksgiving decorations, you don’t need to be having a sale. I know, I know, all the big stores are having sales and you will be killed if you don’t. Take a deep breath and consider if you can really compete on price, online, against the big box stores… If you can—then sale away! If you’re a niche boutique then think about the overall landscape before you offer up margin. Here are some things to try before resorting to sales. My general position on sales is they are the best way to get rid of unsold merchandise after the holiday, but should only be use sparingly, if at all, before the holiday. 

Compete as a small business

Small Business Saturday is November 25th this year. Reach out to your customer base and remind them how great they will feel supporting a small or local business. Have a special event either in your store or online. It can be interviews with experts, meet the team, or help with the problem you solve for your customers. It can be as simple as how to find the prefect gift, or outfit, or how to spice up the holiday. Everyone is looking for tips and ways to make their loved ones feel appreciated. They want to connect, and engage, and feel the magic of the season.


Shoppers are especially price conscious around the holidays, but not always on the low end. Everyone has a list of people they buy for and the gift they give needs to fit the level of appreciation/love they feel for the recipient. Let’s say you need to get a gift for your child’s teacher, it will probably fall in the under $20 range. Your spouse would probably feel unappreciated with a $20 gift. A big client might warrant a gift costing over $200, but a small one might only need a token. This is why making categories based on price works so well during the holidays. Gifts under $30 is a great price point, so is gifts under $50. Gifts over $100 can also work. 

Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

Get attention without discounting

Hammacher Schlemmer always has one item that is insanely expensive. Think $250,000 for a personal submarine. They don’t expect to sell many (or any), but it gets attention. Think about how your store can get attention without discounting. Do you have a unique item with a story? Can you create an offer that’s unique? Can you start a challenge? Can you do something that makes your store stand out? (Hint: Stylaquin is absolutely bomb for that.)

Make a collection for sale items rather than the whole store

If you feel you simply MUST have a sale, rather than have a sale on everything, why not make a collection of sale items and call it Santa’s Bargain Bin. That way shoppers who are out looking for discounts get what they want without devaluing the rest of your merchandise.

Stocking stuffers and table gifts

If you have items that are under $20, or a high end customer base that lets you go higher, think about creating collections of stocking stuffers and table gifts. Teaching your audience how to make the holidays special is about surprising and delighting them with things they haven’t thought of. Tell stories about the most special gift you have received, or the most surprising gift you’ve received. How can the merchandise you sell surprise and delight your customers and new visitors? Selling bath products? How about a dirty Santa bath set. I have no idea what it would be, but I would look at it if you had one. Kids’ gift collections and pet gift collections are great for blog posts and social media.

Add a Styling Board and a Wishlist!

The Stylaquin Idea Board keeps customers engaged in two ways: it’s an interactive styling board where shoppers can collect and curate all the things that interest them; and it also acts as a wishlist that shoppers can return to. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

Animated gif showing a laptop displaying Stylaquin's Idea Board

Collections are an underused tool

Every Shopify store has collections, and there is a myth that the collections need to be in the top nav. You can make collections for anything and just use them for emails. Color collections, hidden collections, magic collections, surprise collections can all exist on your store and be part of an email campaign without being in your nav. You could make a Shopify collection of products that have the most meaning to you personally and share that with your customers. Johanna Gaines would totally do that, you can too.

Put a bow on it!

I’m including a download for my simple Holiday Bow image as my holiday gift to you.
Add it to any product image and voila—It’s a gift! Slap in on your home page from November 1st to December 31st. The classic holiday bow hasn’t changed in a very, very long time. Sometimes the easiest things are the things that just work.

Rock your Shopify Store with Killer Apps

Navigating the World of Shopify Apps for Stores that Sell Clothing and Accessories

Venturing into the Shopify App Store can feel akin to a child stepping into a candy store – so many options, yet so little time. And just like that child, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. With an array of apps labeled ‘essential’ for your Shopify clothing store, how do you determine which ones will genuinely elevate your customers’ experience? The solution lies in understanding the heart and soul of your store – your customers.

The Challenge: Filtering the Essential from the Extravagant

Every entrepreneur’s journey in the Shopify realm invariably includes a pitstop at the app store. The goal is simple: enhancing functionality, aesthetics, and user experience. However, the process? Not so much. Here are the challenges many face:

  • Overchoice: With thousands of apps vying for attention, how do you select the right one?
  • Compatibility: Will the app seamlessly integrate with your store’s theme and ethos?
  • Value Addition: Does the app offer genuine value, or is it just another shiny tool?
Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

Adopting a Customer-Centric Approach

The best way to address the app-selection dilemma? Flip the script. Instead of thinking about what you want for your store, consider what your customers desire. Here’s a guideline:

  • Simplify the Browsing Experience: Your customers should find joy in the journey, not just the destination (or purchase, in this case). Consider apps that simplify and enhance the browsing process.
  • Personalize Their Journey: Apps that allow customization and personal curation can turn a passive browser into an engaged buyer.
  • Retain and Re-engage: Think about apps that can draw your customers back, turning them into repeat visitors.

The Easy Way to Get Everything You Need in One App

Among the myriad of apps available, Stylaquin stands out, particularly for Shopify clothing stores. Here’s why:

  • Look Book Experience: Shopping becomes a delightful journey with Stylaquin’s Look Book, allowing users to flip through products much like they would in a magazine. Not only is this faster, but it’s about as close as you can get to the joy of flipping pages, and finding new things that delight and engage you.
  • Idea Board: The Idea Board is a revolution in the digital shopping realm, especially for female shoppers. It allows them to curate, change, and visualize their selections, an online experience that traditional wishlists simply cannot match. It’s not just about adding items to a cart; it’s about creating a personalized narrative of one’s style journey. Best of all, the idea board remains active as long as the Stylaquin cookie exists, so when shoppers return, all the things they liked are right there waiting for them.

Add a Styling Board and a Wishlist!

The Stylaquin Idea Board keeps customers engaged in two ways: it’s an interactive styling board where shoppers can collect and curate all the things that interest them; and it also acts as a wishlist that shoppers can return to. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

Animated gif showing a laptop displaying Stylaquin's Idea Board

Why Stylaquin Resonates with Female Shoppers

Women shop differently than men, but the online shopping experience was designed for the way men shop. Now both experiences can exist on the same site at the same time. Women, more than just buying a product, are investing in an experience, a story. Stylaquin’s Idea Board offers just that – a space where they can weave their own story, visualize combinations, switch things around, and truly engage with the products. While the digital experience isn’t the same as in person shopping, Stylaquin’s offerings mirror the fun, and engagement of an in-person shopping spree.

Reimagining Your Shopify Clothing Store with Stylaquin

The road to selecting the perfect apps for your Shopify store is paved with challenges. However, by putting yourself in your customer’s place and choosing tools like Stylaquin that genuinely understand and enhance the shopping experience, you can turn these challenges into opportunities. Remember, in the vast digital ocean of e-commerce, it’s the quality of engagement, the depth of connection, and the joy of the journey that sets your store apart. Choose wisely, and let Stylaquin guide your customers on a shopping adventure like no other.

Crazy Better than a Shopify Wishlist!

Crazy Better Than a Shopify Wishlist!

Wishlists are so old fashioned, and yet they work. Before you sigh and think “Well it’s just something we need to add…” Take a moment to consider something infinitely better. The traditional Shopify wishlist has been transformed into a dynamic, engaging, and revenue-multiplying adventure by Stylaquin.

The Silent Workings of a Traditional Wishlist

The conventional wishlist just sits there. At best it acts as a subtle reminder of coveted items, a silent nudge towards conversion that lingers in the corner of a shopper’s digital experience. For the store owner, it silently accumulates data, reflecting potential future sales that live somewhere between desire and action. While beneficial, driving both engagement and potential revenue, it prompts the question: Is there something better?

Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

Unlocking the E-Commerce Potential with Stylaquin

The better answer is Stylaquin, an innovative and patented tool that doesn’t merely catalogue desires like the traditional wishlist but elevates them, turning passive interest into an active, engaging, and conversion-driving experience.

A Fun and Engaging Visual Journey

For your shoppers it’s a page-flipping experience that turns browsing into an adventure, inviting exploration, and prolonged interaction with your products.

For you, the retailer Stylaquin creates a mesmerizing first impression that lingers, driving engagement, which not only boosts SEO, but also promotes deeper exploration into your product catalog, increasing the likelihood of added cart items.

Beyond the Wishlist

Shoppers, especially women shoppers, want a digital playground where they can not only save but play with all the things that caught their eye. Power-shoppers often open separate windows for each product they like and then click through the tabs to see them. With Stylaquin, they don’t have to because everything is in one place.

Stylaquin creates a treasure trove of data revealing not just what your customers want, but a deeper insight into their preferences and shopping behaviors, enabling more targeted marketing and better stock decision-making.

Data Analytics: Actionable insights

Stylaquin gives you an in-depth view into your customer’s journey. The Insights Panel shares insights that go beyond just what customers bought or left in their cart, but also shares what they liked and almost bought. enabling you to harness product marketing strategies that can elevate engagement, retention, and ultimately, revenue.

Add a Styling Board and a Wishlist!

The Stylaquin Idea Board keeps customers engaged in two ways: it’s an interactive styling board where shoppers can collect and curate all the things that interest them; and it also acts as a wishlist that shoppers can return to. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

Animated gif showing a laptop displaying Stylaquin's Idea Board

Traditional Wishlist vs. Stylaquin

While a traditional wishlist captures desires, Stylaquin’s Look Book and Idea Board weave them into a narrative, actively engaging customers, prolonging their journey on your site, and incrementally increasing the chance of conversion and average cart value. The traditional wishlist silently holds potential purchases; Stylaquin dynamically showcases them, transforming save it for later desire into active engagement, creating a shopping environment that doesn’t just encourage browsing but invites customers to revel in it.

Driving Profits Through Enriched Customer Engagement

With Stylaquin, you’re not just implementing a tool; you’re embedding a truly unique experience into your Shopify store, one that seductively whispers to your customers to stay, explore, play, and yes, purchase.

The Easy to add Shopify Wishlist that sets you apart!

It’s easy to add Stylaquin to your Shopify site. Just look for us in the Shopify App Store. You can set up Stylaquin in less than 15 minutes and then just sit back and watch your customers play, driving not just sales, but developing a relationship that ensures they return, time and time again, to continue their journey.

Tailoring the Best Clothing App Experience on Shopify

The Perfect Fit: Tailoring the Best Clothing App Experience on Shopify

The Intersection of Fashion, Tech, and E-commerce

Fashion, with its ever-evolving trends and distinctive personal expressions, has always been an art form that captures both the culture today and how far we have come. Fast forward to the digital age, and we’re at the unique intersection where fashion meets technology, resulting in an exhilarating fusion that’s reshaping the very way we shop. This fusion is most evident in platforms like Shopify, where e-commerce makes it easy for fashion retailers at all levels to sell to a vast audience. But are they connecting with their audience on a deeper, more interactive level? Because to get ahead of the pack, It’s not just about selling clothes anymore; it’s about offering an immersive experience.

Criteria to Evaluate Shopify Clothing Apps

Before diving into the best clothing apps available on Shopify, it’s crucial to understand the parameters that set these apps apart:

  1. User Experience (UX): A simple, intuitive interface is key. The user should not only find the app easy to navigate but also enjoyable.

  2. Integration: How seamlessly does the app integrate with Shopify and other essential tools?

  3. Features: Does the app offer unique features that can significantly elevate the online shopping experience?

  4. Scalability: Can the app support a growing business, adapting to increased traffic and product inventory?

  5. Support and Updates: Regular updates and prompt customer support can make a world of difference.

Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

Top-Rated Clothing Apps on Shopify

  1. Stylaquin: At the nexus of intuitive design and technological innovation, Stylaquin stands out as a premier choice for fashion entrepreneurs on Shopify. Two of its standout features include the Look Book, offering shoppers a magazine-esque browsing experience, and the Idea Board, allowing users to curate and visualize their fashion choices in a unified space. For store owners, the insights generated by Stylaquin, concerning customer preferences, can be revolutionary in driving marketing strategies and product placements.

  2. Size Recommendation Apps: One major hurdle online fashion retailers face is ensuring customers choose the right size. Apps like Kiwi Size, Fit Quiz, and Robosize These apps use customer data, like height, weight, and fit preferences, to recommend the most suitable size, reducing return rates.

  3. Virtual Dressing Rooms: Giving shoppers the ability to virtually try on clothing items using augmented reality could be a game-changer. For now just being able to collect and curate the things that shoppers find interesting will improve the online shopping experience. Stylaquin has a feature called the Idea Board that does just that. Power-shoppers find this particularly helpful. 

  4. Inventory Management Tools: For the business side of things, keeping track of inventory is crucial. These apps help store owners manage stock levels, track bestsellers, and identify items that may need promotional boosts. Shopify has a full range of inventory management tools built into the platform, but stores who have special events, pop-up stores, and affiliate sales may need advanced tools that can only be found in an app. 

Features That Make These Apps Indispensable for Fashion Entrepreneurs

  1. Personalization: Modern shoppers crave personalized experiences. Tools that utilize AI to offer tailored product recommendations based on browsing and purchase history are constantly improving. Apps like Wiser, Drift AI, and Frankie AI are are showing improved sales and conversions, by helping shoppers see items they may have missed. 

  2. Interactive Browsing: Stylaquin’s Look Book is a prime example of how browsing can be transformed into an interactive experience, making shopping more engaging and enjoyable.

  3. Insights and Analytics: Beyond the front-end customer experience, apps that provide valuable data can transform a store’s strategy. Knowing what products resonate with shoppers, and which don’t, can guide inventory decisions and marketing campaigns. Shopify makes it easy to connect Google analytics which goes into great deal, perhaps overwhelming detail for some. Stylaquin is the only app that can provide analytics on the entire shopping experience for Stylaquin shoppers. It also has an insights panel that shares the most actionable insights and explains how to use them. 

  4. Loyalty Programs and Incentives: Apps that enable stores to offer rewards, points, or discounts for repeat customers can foster brand loyalty and encourage repeat business. Shopify has too many Apps to list, all with slightly different features and benefits. Be sure you know what your customer is looking for before adding a loyalty app. Just increasing customer engagement and making your store stand out in the crowd, like Stylaquin does can deliver significantly more repeat visits and create loyalty without giving up margin or adding complexity. 

Remember to make it fun!

The big truth about shopping is that there are three kinds of shoppers, Those who love to shop are the ones you should focus on first. Stylaquin was invented because women deserve a better online shopping experience. One that’s faster, more beautiful, more intuitive and one that makes it easy to explore and engage with all the fabulous products they find. That’s what makes a shopping experience memorable and worth coming back for!

Don’t get mad at Google, outsmart it! Having trouble getting your site to rank well? Wondering how to get to the top positions without paying for placement? Google is just an algorithm, once you understand how it works, you can learn how to outsmart it. Download your copy today!

P.S. It’s free and we will never share your name. You can unsubscribe at any time.

How Time on Site impacts SEO

Enticing customers to stay longer can have a big impact on your SEO rank

Why is time on site important? It’s the often overlooked metric that measures how engaged and interested visitors are with your website. The longer a visitor spends on a website, the more likely they are to interact with the content, explore different products, and ultimately make a purchase.

Let’s break that down into 4 components.

  1. Increased engagement: The longer a visitor spends on a website, the more engaged they’re likely to be with your content. We spend time with stores we like, so increasing time on site also leads to increased brand awareness, product interest, and ultimately, sales.
  2. Improved user experience: If visitors are spending a lot of time on a website, it’s a good indication that they’re finding the site easy to navigate and the content valuable. This kind of positive user experience increases customer loyalty.
  3. Better search engine rankings: Time on site is one of the metrics that search engines use to determine the quality and relevance of a website. If visitors are spending a lot of time on a site, search engines see this as a sign that the site is providing high-quality content and improve its ranking accordingly.
  4. Higher conversion rates: When visitors spend more time on a website, they learn more about the brand and products, which leads to trust, which, as I mentioned in the Post on SEO Metrics, leads to higher conversion rates. In addition, longer time on site is often an indicator that a customer is closer to making a purchase.


Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

Okay, you’re sold, but how do you get customers to stay longer?

Here are some thing to consider:

  1. Improve the user experience: A good user experience is crucial for keeping visitors on a site for longer periods of time. This includes factors such as site speed, easy navigation, and clear product descriptions.
  2. Offer engaging content: Providing high-quality, relevant content can help to keep visitors engaged and interested. This can include product videos, blog posts, customer reviews.
  3. Eye Candy: Making sure your site visually appeals to your target customer is crucial for extending time on site. High-end customers want to see beautiful photography and lifestyle images. Everyone wants to see photography that clearly shows the products. Clear photos that show features also reduces returns.
  4. Personalization: Personalizing the user experience based on a visitor’s behavior and preferences can help to increase engagement and time on site. This can include personalized product recommendations, and customized landing pages for customers who are coming from an ad, blog, or other trigger.
  5. Incentives and rewards: Offering incentives such as free shipping, discounts, and loyalty programs can help to keep visitors on a site for longer periods of time and increase the likelihood of making a purchase.
  6. Optimize for mobile: As more and more consumers shop on their mobile devices, optimizing for mobile is crucial for increasing time on site. This includes using a mobile-responsive design and optimizing for mobile search. This is especially important if you have a younger customer, but granny is on her phone now and girl likes to shop.
  7. Utilize social media: Social media can be a powerful tool for driving traffic to an online store and increasing time on site. Make sure your social media content links back to your website and also encourage social sharing.
  8. Making it fun to shop: This is my favorite. We all do more of the things we enjoy and shopping is more fun with Stylaquin. How much fun? Data shows that Stylaquin shoppers stay on site a whopping 70% longer and view 185% more items. Here’s a link to a short video that explains how Stylaquin works.

So to wrap all this up, time on site is an often overlooked metric that absolutely impacts your site rank with search engines. Making your site more attractive, more personal, more interesting and more fun to shop will entice your customers to stay longer, buy more and come back more often.

Don’t get mad at Google, outsmart it! Having trouble getting your site to rank well? Wondering how to get to the top positions without paying for placement? Google is just an algorithm, once you understand how it works, you can learn how to outsmart it. Download your copy today!

P.S. It’s free and we will never share your name. You can unsubscribe at any time.

AI is going to destroy keyword SEO

AI built websites are going to destroy keyword SEO

Here’s a bold prediction about how AI will change SEO: engagement is going to become the single most important metric in determining your website’s Google rank, and it’s going to happen a lot sooner than you think. I read an article by tech thought leader, Om Malik, titled AI & Internet’s existential crisis. The threat he pointed out is that AI can create almost infinite websites with SEO designed to rank well with Google and other search engines in less time than it takes a person to come up with a good keyword strategy. Remember content farms that were only limited by the number of humans they could find to create cheap content? Now there’s no longer a limiting human factor. The sites that use AI to manage SEO will outperform the sites that are created by humans. The proliferation of machine-made sites, linking and amplifying each other in an ever-expanding web of SEO keyword goop will inevitably muddy the waters of the internet to the point that keywords, and even content itself, can no longer be trusted as the best way to direct searchers. Wow. That’s going to make online marketing even harder. It will look like what happened to email marketing—only it will happen in months, not years.

So what’s the pushback?

What will the search engines do when faced with a tsunami of content? Well, Google recently limited the content crawled on websites and started favoring new content. That means the AI content bots will adjust and start refreshing content more often. AI can iterate on one top-ranking piece of content infinitely. Every time search engines defend against an AI strategy to beat the algorithm, AI sites are going to come up with new strategies. It’s going to be a never-ending whack-a-mole game at mind-boggling speeds. The Google and Bing bots are going to be using AI to detect AI content. AI-generated sites are going to be constantly adjusting to stay ahead of the algorithm. But, wait. STOP! If all the legitimate sites are using AI too, how will the search engines sift through all the churn and clutter to determine where to send searchers? 

Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

Searchers not bots

Remember, Google’s #1 success metric is how happy searchers are with the results provided. Google’s job is to make people happy by finding the best website, or information, to answer the searcher’s query. Without reliable keywords and unique content, how will the search engines determine which sites to send searchers to if there are umpteen million of them all looking remarkably the same? More importantly to you—how will you get the search engines to send searchers to your website?

What about ads?

You can, and probably will, spend a ton more money on advertising. But even ad spend is directly linked to your site’s SEO rank. So how do you outsmart AI and also make nice with the search engines?

Change is coming!

That’s where my bold prediction comes in. I think the most likely answer is going to be a huge shift in the importance of customer engagement as a key SEO metric. Customer engagement may well become the most important metric used by search engines to rank websites. Think about it for a minute. Customer engagement is the hardest metric to fake. Engagement tracks events, the things shoppers do on your site. Getting shoppers to engage with your website, look at more products, click on more things, play with more things, and return to your site more often is the only way to improve your engagement score. AI can’t help with that. You can’t fake real people having fun and participating in an experience of discovery. But you can make a website more fun to shop, more interesting, more memorable, and more likely to get return visitors. The easiest way to increase engagement is simply by adding Stylaquin to your website. If you’re a Shopify store and haven’t taken a few minutes to check out how Stylaquin get’s shoppers to view 180% more products, stay 70% longer, and come back 25% more often, now might be a good time watch the video below and visit the Shopify App Store. If you’re not on Shopify, give us a call, or join our waiting list.

Whatever strategy you use to create more customer engagement on your site, be creative, have fun, and don’t lose sight of the simple truth that you can’t out-iterate AI, but you can be way more fun to spend time with. As humans, we all seek out fun things, and happily go back to the things we enjoyed doing. The best engagement strategy is to be the website that’s the most fun to shop!

 P.S. If you’d like to learn more about increasing engagement here’s a blog post on How to Increase Engagement Without Spending a Fortune.