New versus Best Sellers

New versus Best Sellers and how best to leverage them both

Highlighting new items and best-selling items is just good marketing. They are both great way’s to get customer’s attention, but they function differently in marketing, though there is overlap in the type of customer they will appeal to. Let’s start with best sellers. 

Best Sellers

These are the most popular products and the backbone of your store’s sales. Never underestimate the awesome power of best sellers. Merchants have something called the 80/20 rule where 80% of sales come from 20% of products. Where stores get into trouble is that they get bored. I remember when I was an Art Director at L.L. Bean everyone was sick to death of telling the bean boot story. That’s the story about how L.L. sold his first batch of bean boots but most of them fell apart. He took back every broken pair and replaced them with the now famous bean boot and the rest is history. It’s a great story. Every time we ran it, sales went up. Especially with new customers. But everyone in the company had heard it a thousand times so they rolled their eyes when it came up. Best sellers are like that. They are often the tried and true, boring products, that just keep selling. Not the shiny new products that everyone is excited about. Do you have a best seller collection? You should, it’s easy and it works. Customers who are new to your brand will be looking to see if you have anything that interests them. Best sellers are best sellers for a reason, make sure they’re featured on your home page. Use them on landing pages for ads and promotions. Think of them as both a gateway drug to your brand and a favorite bedtime story you can tell often.

Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.


New is also powerful, but serves a different purpose and a different customer. New is a magic word, customers never get tired of it. (There’s a Bar Hop on magic words that may be of interest.) Your existing customers will already be familiar with your best sellers so new items are the best way to get their attention. On a Shopify website it’s easy to create a collection of new items that keeps itself automatically updated. Having an automated NEW collection is an easy set it, and forget it strategy. You can also make sure your home page shows some new items, so that returning customers have a reason to stop by. There’s an important truth in marketing that it’s easier to get more customers to buy, than it is to get customers to buy more. Best sellers are more likely to get customers to buy than new items. It goes back to the 80/20 rule. If you don’t know if you should feature a best seller or a new item, go with the best seller. Most of you traffic will be new visitors and best sellers are your best bet.

Is that all there is?

So is that all there is to NEW and Best sellers? Nope. You can use this strategy in your ads and customer emails. In ads, focus on best sellers. They are already proven winners. In existing customer emails, focus on New with a dash of best seller. Think of it as you get new customers in the door with best sellers and then keep them interested with new items. Best sellers are also a treasure trove of goodness for emails that don’t offer discounts. Your customers love these items so talk about where they came from, what makes them amazing, all their benefits, and finish with other items that are similar, complimentary, or also best sellers. If you only send out discount emails you are going away free money and training your customers that they shouldn’t pay full price.

If you enjoyed this video, and got some good info, please join our mailing list. If you’d like to see a Shopify app that increases the number of items viewed by 180%, increases time on site by 70% and just makes online shopping more fun and engaging, here’s a link to the Stylaquin Video in the Shopify App Store.

Don’t get mad at Google, outsmart it! Having trouble getting your site to rank well? Wondering how to get to the top positions without paying for placement? Google is just an algorithm, once you understand how it works, you can learn how to outsmart it. Download your copy today!

P.S. It’s free and we will never share your name. You can unsubscribe at any time.

How to Increase Sales with Magic Words

Want to increase sales? Try using these magic words!

Hi, Sarah Fletcher, Stylaquin founder here. For those of you who don’t know me, I’ve been a catalog design expert for the last umpteen years. I’ve worked with a lot of catalogs you know and love like Harrington’s of Vermont, Mrs. Beasley’s, The Vermont Country Store, L.L. Bean, Jamestown Distributors, and Glendale to name a few.

One of the most interesting things I learned from catalogs is that there are magic words. They always work, they never don’t work, and you can’t overuse them. They are: New, Free, Save, Sale and Sex. So how do you use magic words? First, Don’t over think it, they’re magic, not tricky.


New has big magic. Call out new items with a bold red NEW. You can do this in the product body copy. You can add NEW at the end of the Product name, though Shopify and some platforms don’t allow formatting for headlines. An easy win is to create a NEW collection and set it to show new items automatically. If you don’t have many new items, go with what you have and keep the five or ten most recent in the new collection manually. Some stores have a high turnover of new products, so new may mean they are new within the last month. There aren’t any official rules about what constitutes new, though calling items new for more than a year could make it look like the site is never updated.

Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.


Free is another magic word. It is why free shipping works so very well. Free gift with purchase, and buy one get one free, are other great uses of free. Anything you can give away free is going to resonate with customers. Free upgrade, free class, free case or accessory, free extended warranty, free refill, anytime you can give the customer something free they will love it.


Everyone loves a bargain. Very high end customers won’t respond if save is plastered all over everything, but they love to save as much as the next person. You can tell customers they will save on lots of things that aren’t money, like time, or effort. Save yourself headaches, save more when you buy more, and so on. Saving a dollar amount is usually better than saving a percentage. Customers don’t like to do math. So save $20 will usually do better than save 20% even if the actual dollars saved are a little more with 20%.


This one’s a classic and most companies use it pretty well. Seasonal sales are a tried and true way to reduce old inventory. Regular sales can move customers off the fence for a small discount. Shoppers who love your brand, but not your prices, may be enticed to buy. You can do the occasional store-wide sale and also have a sale category. Adding a popup to the sale category that specifically targets bargain shoppers can be effective. There is a subset of shoppers that simply won’t pay full price, it’s a badge of honor and a lifestyle choice. Don’t try to change them, meet them on their own terms and they can become loyal, though frugal, customers.


You’re on your own with this last one. Though I will mention that when I worked with International Justice Mission on their catalog, “Save children from being victims of sex traffickers” was their most effective headline. Though typically you only need to use one magic word at a time. All kidding aside, if you’re looking for a good charity to donate to, International Justice Mission is doing amazing work in dangerous places.

That’s it for magic words, If you enjoyed this blog and got some good info please join our email list. If you’d like to see a Shopify app that increases the number of items viewed by 180%, increases time on site by 70% and just makes online shopping more fun and engaging, here’s a quick demo of Stylaquin. If you’d like to see the Magic Words video or get more marketing, copy, and design tips check out Hump Day Bar Hopping with Stylaquin

Don’t get mad at Google, outsmart it! Having trouble getting your site to rank well? Wondering how to get to the top positions without paying for placement? Google is just an algorithm, once you understand how it works, you can learn how to outsmart it. Download your copy today!

P.S. It’s free and we will never share your name. You can unsubscribe at any time.

6 ways to improve your Shopify site’s speed

Is your Shopify site slower than you'd like? Here are 6 ways to speed it up!

Why is site speed important?

Site speed is important on two fronts. First, it affects the user experience. A slow-loading website will frustrate users and make them more likely to leave. We’ve all been there, the spinning wheel is a super buzzkill and it sends the wrong message about your brand. Second, site speed can impact your search engine ranking. Google and other search engines take site speed into account when ranking websites, so faster sites rank higher in search results. Remember the higher your site’s rank, the less you pay for ads, that’s a nice benefit all by itself.

Before you add any app to your site you should check your site speed. If it’s slow, fix that first. Many of the top websites around the world have surprisingly bad site speed scores, but if you’re a big fish you can get away more than if you’re a little fish. Regardless of what size fish you are there are compelling reasons to make site speed a priority.

How to check your site’s speed

So first things first, here’s how you check your site speed. Open a web browser and go to Type in your site’s URL and hit the Analyze button. Go ahead and do that right now, I’ll wait.

So now you know your site’s speed and if you are over 80, well done! If you are between 50 and 80, you can improve it with these tips, but it doesn’t have to be the first thing you do right now. If you are between 25 and 50, make it a top priority. If you are under 25—stop, drop, and roll!

Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

Optimize your images 

Images are one of the biggest contributors to slow loading times. The goal is to optimize your images by reducing their file size without sacrificing quality. The biggest gains are made by choosing the right image format. Jpeg files are significantly smaller than png files. I asked my adorable dog Pudge to give me a hand with this. The jpg of this handsome fellow at 1200×1600 with high quality output is a mere 748 KB. The same size png is a brutal is 4 MB. 

Two images of a dog, side by side showing that the jpeg is 748 KB and the png of the same image is 4 megs.

If we dumb them down to low quality, the jpg is only 260 KB while the png is still a whopping 1.2 MB. 

Two images of a dog, side by side showing that the jpeg is 748 KB and the png of the same image is 4 megs.

But before you start hating on jpgs we need to look at the difference between a photo and an illustration. When it comes to illustrations and type, the png has a slight edge coming in a 2KB rather than the 9 KB of the jpg.

Comparison of jpeg and Png file size for line illustrations. Jpg file is 9 KB and the Png is 2 KB.

So how do you choose? The first thing to ask is do you need a transparent background? If the answer is yes, you can only use a png. Jpegs do not support transparency. If you don’t need transparency, go with a jpg for photos. When it comes to Illustrations pngs are a better choice, not just because they are a tiny bit smaller, but they’ll have sharper, crisper edges. So image files for typography, symbols, or illustrations are better as pngs.

You can use tools like Adobe Photoshop, or to compress your images. If you are working in Canva the default is Png so be sure to change the output settings before you download.

Delay popups

Popups are a great way to collect visitor emails and promote products with special savings and offers, they can also be a significant drag on your load time. When search engines measure your site speed, there is something called time to first paint, which is just a fancy way of saying how long it takes before a visitor can see the site. Some things are super quick to load, like Stylaquin, but apps that have to call and display large amounts of data, can take seconds, which is way too long in online time. The easy way around this is just to have the popup load after the site speed has been measured. A short delay of 15 seconds should do it.    

Lazy load your images

Lazy load tells browsers not to load images that are not going to be visible until they’re needed. Remember how I said that search engines are measuring time to first paint? If you have lots of images below the fold the browser is going to load all of them before it tells the search engine that it’s done. Lazy load tells the browser to stop loading the images that aren’t being shown, so the time to first paint is much faster. There is a bit of a delay when visitors scroll down but it’s usually imperceptible. Lazy load is a feature of most Shopify themes so check with your theme provider about where that setting is.

Remove unused apps 

Apps can slow down your store, so remove any apps that you’re not using. Apps like Stylaquin are super lightweight. Some apps are not so well behaved. If you’re concerned that an app is slowing down your site, the first thing to do is measure your site speed with the app on, and then again with the app off. Be sure to measure 4 to 6 times with the app on and the same number of times with it off. Site speed tests are affected by internet traffic, server speed and the vagaries of the web. It’s likely that you will get a range of results and testing multiple times keeps you from jumping to conclusions. I’ve seen results that make it look like an app is speeding up a site, but the next test showed it slowing down the site. To be confident you need to run the same test multiple times and preferably at different times. You can check your admin panel to see which apps are installed on your store.

Update your theme

This one is something that often gets filed under “Things to do when I have time”. Because of all the good things that come from having a fast site, you may want to move it up in the to-do list. Older themes may not be as optimized for speed as newer themes. It’s always a good idea to keep your theme up to date for security reasons as well.

Make sure your theme uses a CDN

This one is for nerds and developers. A CDN (content delivery network) can help to improve the speed of your store by caching your website’s content on servers that are closer to your customers. That way a customer from France gets the same load time as one from the US. All the free Shopify themes use the Shopify CDN by default, so you’re all set if you are using a free Shopify theme. If you paid for your theme, and you have done all the easy things we already covered, it’s worth checking. Using a CDN is especially important for stores that sell worldwide or across a wide geographic area.

The easiest way to determine if your non-Shopify theme is using a CDN is to email your theme developer and ask.

If you’d like to see this content as a video  Click here. If you’d like to see a lightning fast Shopify app that increases the number of items viewed by 180%, increases time on site by 70% and just makes online shopping more fun and engaging, click here for quick demo of Stylaquin. 

What does keeping your content fresh actually mean?

How to keep your content fresh

What does “Fresh” even mean?

When you ask experts how to get more organic traffic, one of the things that always makes the list is keeping your site fresh. Fresh is a pretty vague term. Fresh like lettuce, or fresh like potatoes? It turns out that there are different measures of fresh and they are measured differently.

The most basic measure is fresh content like new blog posts, articles, and videos. No real news flashes there. If you are a Shopify site that doesn’t add lots of new products then adding a blog and posting often will help, we’ll get to how often later.

Social media is another thing that search engines look at. Your instagram posts, TikTok videos, and Facebook updates all count. Google, which owns YouTube, not surprisingly favors video and YouTube channels. You can see where it starts to look like a racket.

So what tools do Search Engines use to determine what’s new?

Search engines use web crawlers to visit websites and index their content. When a web crawler visits a website, it looks for new content that has been added since the last time the website was crawled. Google’s web crawler, Googlebot, typically crawls popular websites several times a day, while it may only crawl less popular websites once a week or even less often.

There are things that admins and website owners can do to encourage web crawlers to crawl their websites more frequently. One is to make sure that their websites are well-indexed and that they use the right keywords and phrases throughout their content. If you are not sure how to do that there are apps that will streamline the process. Shopify has over 500 in their app store. 

Don’t get mad at Google, outsmart it! Having trouble getting your site to rank well? Wondering how to get to the top positions without paying for placement? Google is just an algorithm, once you understand how it works, you can learn how to outsmart it. Download your copy today!

P.S. It’s free and we will never share your name. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Crawler-friendly web design

Your website’s design can make a big difference in how often it is crawled by web crawlers. Make sure your website is designed in a way that is easy for web crawlers to navigate. Important safety tip: none of that has anything to do with what you can see or even if it looks good. You can have a visually stunning website that is simply awful for web crawlers. Remember, web crawlers are machines, they don’t have taste, they aren’t cool, hip or even alive. They only understand what you tell them with words. So what does a website that’s beautiful to web crawlers  look like? It looks the same as one that is ugly to web crawlers until you get into nitty gritty. Web crawlers want images that are named for what they show with alt tags and meta descriptions. They like URLs that are all short, concise and help describe where they lead. Don’t use URL shortening services like Bitly unless necessary. Web crawlers may have difficulty crawling and indexing shortened links, because shortened links often contain no information about the destination page, making it difficult for web crawlers to understand what the page is about.

Avoid using Javascript and Flash, and be sure to provide alt text for all images and videos. Using an SEO app that scores your content is a good idea. It’s easy to miss things and having a machine point out what the machines are looking for just makes sense. It is literally the blind showing you how to lead the blind.

Submit your website to search engines

If you are a new site, or if you don’t think your site is being crawled, you should submit your website to search engines through Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools. Submitting to these two will tell all the search engines that your website exists and that you want it to be indexed. You only have to do this once. If you want to see if your site has already been indexed you can check in any browser by using the site: operator. Simply type site: followed by the URL of your website into the Google and Bing search bars. If your website appears, you are being indexed.

So what is the right amount of freshness?

The sweet spot for most sites is posting two to three times per week. This gives you enough time to produce high-quality content while still keeping your audience engaged. If you can’t afford a content creator, and you have other time pressures, do your best. Freshness is important, but not the only thing that search engines look at. It’s better to have high quality content on a regular basis than crap every day. If you are a Shopify store and want an easy way to boost your engagement stats check out Stylaquin.

If you’d like to see this content in video form click here or visit our Hump Day Bar Hopping page where you’ll find all the fun and informative Hump Day Bar Hopping with Stylaquin videos.

What Metrics Matter to Search Engines?

SEO rank is determined by these 4 basic metrics

For those of you who are trying to tackle SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, the first thing to remember is that search engines are just machines that use an algorithm to determine your site’s SEO rank. There are no real live people involved, and search engines are basically blind unless you explain what an image is.

So what is this blind machine, that determines how much organic traffic you get, measuring when it crawls your Shopify site? There are four factors that determine site rank: Relevance, Authority, User experience, and Freshness.


Relevance is the first sort search engines do when they try to match the user’s query with sites that might be a good fit. If you search for great family cars, you won’t be directed to a site that sells fishing lures. (Hopefully.) There are lots of additional factors that go into relevance like keywords, overall content match, geography, and the age of the relevant content.


Authority measures the quality of a site’s content, the number and quality of backlinks, how long a website has been around, and how much traffic it gets. If you are smaller site It is easier for you become an authority on a very narrow topic than it is for you to rank for a broad category. That’s why you often hear SEO experts talking about niche-ing down on one narrow market.

Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

User Experience

User Experience measures how much, and how often, visitors engage with a website. Things like time on site, total events (events are things like clicks, swipes and drags) and return visits are all part of user experience. Stylaquin really shines with this factor. It really boosts your engagement stats. here’s a link to the Stylaquin video.


Freshness is how old your content is. Freshness is also a metric in your Authority score. If you google a keyword you want to rank for, pay attention to the age of the post. If you see a lot of older posts that shows you there’s an opportunity to rank higher for those keywords by covering the same topics in a newer post. It’s also a good idea to periodically update your top posts to keep them on top.

To recap: in order to improve your site’s search engine ranking you will need to dial in your site’s Relevance, Authority, User experience, and freshness.

Watch the Hump Day Bar Hopping video on SEO Metrics.

What improves Shopify conversion rates?

What improves your Shopify site's conversion rate?

So you have a Shopify website, and you have great products, and everything looks good, but you don’t have a great conversion rate. What improves the conversion rate and how hard is it to do? Let’s start with what changes can improve your conversion rate.

Discounting: Discounting and regular sales will improve the conversion rate, it’s a tried and true method, but it also hurts the bottom line. If you are already swimming upstream, discounting may not be the best answer. Discounting means you have to sell even more to make ends meet. It’s really hard to win a race to the bottom. That said making sales a part of your overall strategy is smart. It can help move older inventory and bring in prospects if tied to other channels like social media and advertising.

Exclusive Products: Having exclusive products is a fabulous way to improve conversion rates. If you are the only one who has a special item, then customers can only buy it from you. Ask your vendors if there are any products you can have as an exclusive, even for a period of time. You may be able to get exclusives on a particular color or for a particular design. It never hurts to ask. Finding smaller, unique vendors who will work with you on shipping and minimums is worth the effort.

Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

Trust: When customers trust you, and trust your site, they’re more likely to buy from you. Make sure you have an “About” page that shares your story and your values. Be sure to share your story on social media as well. Most importantly live your values. We all like to buy from brands we like and trust. You can’t build trust overnight so make sharing what you are doing to help others, and what you do to generally make life better, whatever that may be.

Are there Shopify Apps that can increase conversion rates? Yes, though many are tied to discounting. To get the most bang for your buck, look at apps that increase engagement as well. Adding Stylaquin to your site is a great way to increase time-on-site, the number of items viewed and the number of return visits. All of that will help increase your site’s conversion rate. 
If you would like to learn more about Stylaquin and see how it increased Sales, Orders, online sessions AND conversion rates, visit:

3 technology innovations that can Increase Shopify Sales

3 technology innovations that can Increase Shopify Sales

Are you a Shopify site that wants to increase sales and engagement? Are you looking for Shopify Apps that would be helpful to your customers and not blow through your marketing budget. Here are three to consider.

1) Stylaquin
Stylaquin is the newest of the three, and it is designed to delight and engage power-shoppers. Stylaquin adds a bar to the side of any Shopify website that acts as a portal to both a Look Book feature and an Idea board. It creates a completely new way to experience a website, without re-engineering or re-platforming. The Look Book takes the existing images from a Shopify site and instantly creates a full page layout of images. This lets shoppers flip through your site like they flip through a magazine, which is faster and increases items viewed by over 185%. When shoppers find items they’re interested in, they can add them to the Idea Board where they can change sizes, quantities, and colors as well as move items around to see how they look together. When customers are ready to buy the items they select are ready and waiting in the store’s Shopify checkout. Stylaquin enabled sites have seen time-on-site increase by 70% and conversion rates increase by 3.5%. Currently available in the Shopify App Store.

Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

2) FindMine
Findmine works as a upsell engine that drives 3-7% additional revenue. It uses AI to suggest items that go well with what customers are looking at. It adds a suggestion bar to the bottom of each page that displays additional items. There is also integration with a direct-mail programs that works in tandem with an abandoned cart program, and FindMine can be integrated into the in-store experience as well. They offer merchant intelligence features that provide onsite into customer purchasing patterns. Currently available in the Shopify App Store.

3) Storeya
Storeya has several products but the most innovative is the Traffic Booster. It uses a proprietary algorithm and AI to fine-tune Google Ads so that ramp-up time to finding what works and what doesn’t is decreased. It has a dashboard that lets you see which leads are driving customers to your site and lets you expand your spend when you find the sweet spot. They are an official Google Ads reseller and have increased the effectiveness of google ad spend by over 8X for several clients. If you’re struggling to get a decent ROI from your google ad budget check Storeya out. Currently available in the Shopify App Store.

Hump Day Bar Hopping with Stylaquin

Hump Day Bar Hopping!

Hump Days are the perfect time to learn a little something new. Hump Day Bar Hopping videos are designed to give you tips and tricks about marketing, SEO and design. They are between 5 and 10 minutes long so that you can learn something useful and then get on with your day. Remember you only have to be a little bit better than your competition to see big gains, so take a short break, learn something actionable, and then implement it each week. 

There are 3 kinds of online shoppers, can you make them all happy?

There are 3 kinds of shoppers, can you make them all happy?

There are really only three types of shoppers who visit websites. Just three, the rest are bots and criminals—sigh. Let’s take a look at how each of them interacts with your Shopify website so you can make sure they all get the shopping experience that works for the way they like to shop.

The Buyer

Shoppers who know what they want, and aren’t looking for anything else, want great navigation and tools to help them get in and out fast. You can, and should, try to expose them to best sellers while they are on the site and of course try to get an email if possible, but these customers are on a mission and they don’t want you to get in their way.

How to make them Happy:

  • Make sure you have subcategories and attributes so shoppers can narrow their search quickly.
  • Make sure they can avoid distractions so you don’t slow them down.

The Casual Shopper

Shoppers who are looking for something, but who are open to exploring, also need good nav, but they are more responsive to bestsellers and new and interesting items. If you can keep them engaged and entertained, they will stay and poke around.

How to make them Happy:

  • Make sure your bestsellers and compelling new items are shown on the home page. Best sellers are the products most likely to spark their attention. They are best sellers for a reason.
  • There are Shopify Apps that can make recommendations using AI, but don’t the recommendations get in the way of their shopping experience.
Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

The Power-shopper

Shoppers who really enjoy shopping are power-shoppers, and they are the best customers to get. Power-shoppers love to shop and are often a resource for their friends who don’t love to shop. Need a gift? Ask your favorite power-shopper where to look. Not sure where the best deals, or cool gadgets are—ask a power-shopper.

How to make them Happy:

Engaging and delighting power-shoppers is what Stylaquin excels at. Stylaquin transforms the shopping experience into one that is faster, more beautiful more engaging. Stylaquin adds a thin bar to the right side of the browser window which acts as a portal to two features. The Look Book feature, which creates full page spreads of each product, so shoppers can flip through the site like they flip through a magazine or catalog. Shoppers who use Stylaquin typically view 185% more products, stay on site 70% longer. The second Stylaquin feature is the Idea Board where shoppers can collect and curate all the things that interest them. They can change sizes and colors, and move things around till they have exactly what they want. When they are ready to checkout, Stylaquin moves them to the Shopify checkout.

The items left on the idea board will remain on there till the cookie expires. Stylaquin shoppers return 25% more often and buy when they do because they can see all the things they liked and pick up where they left off.
If you’d like to learn more about Stylaquin visit the Shopify App Store. or watch the video below! 

Why don’t customers return to your Shopify website?

Why don't customers come back to your website?

The answer is simple: your site is boring.


Dropping a truth bomb here—most websites are boring, but there’s nothing wrong with that! Boring sites are great for a lot of shoppers, especially those who already know what they want and just need to buy it. But if you want to stand out from the crowd and get more traffic and sales, then you’re going to have to do something different.

The thing is, there are probably tens of thousands of websites that sell what you do. To get your site ahead of the pack, first you need to get the basics right, good products, strong brand, good SEO, but once that’s all dialed in, you’ll still be competing with hundreds, if not thousands of stores. Of course there are some time tested strategies for making your site more engaging and worth revisiting like: Exclusive products, Seasonal sales, and Loyalty programs.

Young woman looking at her computer screen with a bored expression. Text that says "Why don't customers come back to your website?" is int the upper left corner.
Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

But let’s be honest, everyone thinks they have amazing products, most stores have seasonal sales, and loyalty programs have been around for a very long time. So is there anything new out there that moves the needle? If the simple answer to “Why don’t customers come back to your website?” is that it’s boring, then maybe the simple solution is to make your site more fun to shop. A new Shopify app called Stylaquin does just that. It gives your site the tools that power shoppers love.

  • So your site is more beautiful.
  • So customers can shop faster and view more products.
  • So customers can collect and curate all the products that interested them in one place, changing colors and sizes, even moving products around so they can see what they liked all together before adding anything to the cart. 

It also gives you actionable insights into what customers looked at, and what they liked, not just what they bought. Here’s a short video that explains how you can transform your website in about four clicks with no monthly fee AND you’ll even get the first 14 days free. Time to make online shopping fun!