Why don’t customers return to your Shopify website?

Why don't customers come back to your website?

The answer is simple: your site is boring.


Dropping a truth bomb here—most websites are boring, but there’s nothing wrong with that! Boring sites are great for a lot of shoppers, especially those who already know what they want and just need to buy it. But if you want to stand out from the crowd and get more traffic and sales, then you’re going to have to do something different.

The thing is, there are probably tens of thousands of websites that sell what you do. To get your site ahead of the pack, first you need to get the basics right, good products, strong brand, good SEO, but once that’s all dialed in, you’ll still be competing with hundreds, if not thousands of stores. Of course there are some time tested strategies for making your site more engaging and worth revisiting like: Exclusive products, Seasonal sales, and Loyalty programs.

Young woman looking at her computer screen with a bored expression. Text that says "Why don't customers come back to your website?" is int the upper left corner.
Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

But let’s be honest, everyone thinks they have amazing products, most stores have seasonal sales, and loyalty programs have been around for a very long time. So is there anything new out there that moves the needle? If the simple answer to “Why don’t customers come back to your website?” is that it’s boring, then maybe the simple solution is to make your site more fun to shop. A new Shopify app called Stylaquin does just that. It gives your site the tools that power shoppers love.

  • So your site is more beautiful.
  • So customers can shop faster and view more products.
  • So customers can collect and curate all the products that interested them in one place, changing colors and sizes, even moving products around so they can see what they liked all together before adding anything to the cart. 

It also gives you actionable insights into what customers looked at, and what they liked, not just what they bought. Here’s a short video that explains how you can transform your website in about four clicks with no monthly fee AND you’ll even get the first 14 days free. Time to make online shopping fun!

Increase engagement on your Shopify store without spending a fortune

Increasing customer engagement on your Shopify store is easier and less expensive than you think

Are you looking for ways to increase your online sales, but don’t have the budget to pay for costly marketing campaigns. What if you could just make shopping at your store more fun and engaging?

Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

Not everyone who visits your store knows what they want and just needs to get in and out fast, but that’s the kind of shopper websites are designed for.

There are people who love to shop—power shoppers. Sure, they shop when they need things, but they also shop because they enjoy it. What if, when they went to your store, the shopping experience was just a whole lot more fun and engaging? What if they could flip through your website like it was a magazine or catalog? What if they could save all the things that interested them in one place and then play with them, change colors and sizes, and move things around till they had exactly what they wanted BEFORE they had to commit to the cart? What if everything that interested them stayed put, so when they came back they could start shopping right where they left off?

Sounds like a lot of work? Actually, there’s an app that does all this, and you can add to your site in about four clicks. Sounds expensive? Plans start at $10. Sounds hard to manage? Everything happens automatically using a proprietary algorithm. Sound like something you want to learn more about? Check out Stylaquin in the Shopify App Store!

What is a good conversion rate for Shopify?

What is a good conversion rate for Shopify?

One of the most important analytics tools in Shopify is the conversion rate. You can find it in your Shopify Dashboard in the Analytics tab. The conversion rate tells you how many of the visitors to your site became customers. According to Shopify anything over 3.3% puts you in the top 20% of Shopify stores. Anything below .5% probably needs work. 

Now, wait just one minute before you head off in either joy or sorrow. Your conversion rate is tied to your products. If you are a discounter selling trendy items, your conversion rate will be much higher than if you are selling very expensive items. So a 0.5% conversion rate may be bomb-diggity for one product category and a conversion rate of 3% may be tragic for another. Let’s get real here—it doesn’t matter how well everyone else is doing if it doesn’t help you do better. 

A good conversion rate for Mobile is different than Desktop

If most of your customers are visiting your store on a phone, you probably have younger customers, and your conversion rate will be lower. A good conversion rate for mobile on Shopify is 2.7%. That puts you in the top 20% of stores. Many shoppers will shop on their phones while they are killing time or commuting. They buy on their lunch break at work or when they get home. That’s why desktop usually has a higher conversion rate than mobile.

Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

Return customers have a higher conversion rate than new visitors

This is not surprising. Return customers came back because they saw something they liked so they are already interested in what you’re offering. Getting more return customers is a great way to increase conversions. Loyalty programs, abandoned cart programs, retargeting, and Stylaquin all help bring customers back. Stylaquin is a Shopify App that engages and delights shoppers so they return about 28% more often and buy more when they do.

Determining seasonality can help improve conversions rates 

If you are a new store, the most important thing to do is measure and track your progress. You have to walk before you can run. If you’re an established store, look at your conversion rate overall, then look at your conversion rate for each quarter, and then for each month. This will tell you if you have seasonality. Seasonality means that there are regular and consistent highs and lows in your yearly sales cycle. Understanding when your conversion rate is highest will tell you when you should be spending more on promoting your store with few if any, discounts. Knowing when your conversion rate will be low tells you when you should be putting things on sale or trying new things.

What can you do to get a good conversion rate?

Adding easy payment options with something like AfterPay reduces price resistance for expensive items by offering to cut large payments into multiple smaller payments. Loyalty programs that let customers collect points they can redeem for products or discounts are other-time honored ways to get more return customers. Adding Stylaquin to your Shopify site will increase the number of return customers, which helps increase conversion rates and makes your site more attractive to Google. It’s a double win.  

Exclusive products

One of the best ways to increase your conversion rate is to have exclusive products. If you are the only place shoppers can find something that interests them, they have to buy it from you. If you have exclusive items be sure to shout them out loud and proud. I am forever amazed at how many stores that do have exclusive items fail to say so in their copy. Ask your suppliers if they can let you have an exclusive color or style of a product. Some vendors may be willing to offer online exclusives, or early releases of products making them exclusive for a limited amount of time. New stores may not have the volume most vendors need for exclusive items, but it never hurts to ask and let them know you are looking. Try looking for new and smaller vendor who may be willing to offer exclusives at smaller minimums.


Customers need to trust that you are legit and going to treat them well. Another way to increase conversions is to discount. Be careful with this. If you are not a discount store, offering huge discounts may put off more customers than it attracts. Shoppers have their own perceived value for products that should have some relation to the actual price of the product. If you see a $400 item selling for $39.99 it will make you wonder why there is such a deep discount. But seeing the same $400 item marked down to $300 looks like a great deal. 

Make sure that you are paying attention to the sales journey. What do you tell new customers? Package inserts are a great way to tell your story and say thank you for the purchase. Even small stores can do this at very low cost. 

Does your Shopify site look like a jumble of products or is it well designed and maintained? Ask a friend (or stranger) to take a look. Websites that don’t inspire trust will have a lower conversion rate and a higher abandoned cart rate than those that look trustworthy.  


Take the time to understand what your conversion rate is and how it changes over the year. Use sales and discounts strategically so that you aren’t giving up margin when you don’t need to. Getting the best conversion rate for your store is what you should focus on, not an average conversion rate for every store out there.  

Why is return website traffic important?

Why is return website traffic important?

There are several great reasons why return traffic is important. The percentage of return visitors vs new visitors affects your Google rank. New visitors costs more to acquire than return visitors. Return visitors are already interested so they are more likely to buy. That’s all good, but does it really matter that you get a good percentage of return visitors, if you are generating a lot of visitors? 

Google is watching

Think of return visits as a thumbs up signal to Google. Google wants to find the best sites to send searchers. The first three spots are auctioned off, but the rest are the ones Google thinks are most likely to take the searcher to a sight that will give them what they want and make Google look like the best search engine in town. Once Google has filtered out all the sites that don’t match the search criteria, it’s probably left with hundreds, if not thousands, of sites that do match the search criteria. So how does Google pick? We don’t know exactly, but these three things are a big part of the equation:

  • Return visits
  • Time on site
  • Events per session

We’ll get into time on site and events per session in other posts and we’ll just focus on return visits in this post. Let’s say you go to a store, and don’t see anything that interests you, chances are you won’t come back. Simple logic right? Google uses this same logic for websites. If they send searchers to a website, and the searchers stay a while, and click on things while they are there, Google gives that site high marks. But if they come back again, well that’s as good as it gets. Three points for Gryffindor! Fun trivia: When SEO experts talk about sites with lots of return traffic, they call them sticky. Sticky websites get customers stuck on them. 

Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.


Return visitors tend to buy more

There are several time honored ways to get customers to come back. Sending out engaging emails to your existing customers is a good way to entice them to come back. Sales and special events also create interest that leads to return visits. It’s worth making a real effort to get return website traffic, not just because it increases your Google ranking, return customers typically buy more. Makes sense, they saw something that intrigued them and they come back to see it again. If you are a Shopify site, check out Stylaquin. Stylaquin shoppers come back 28% more often. 

Cost is also a factor

If you are paying for your visitors through ads and promotions, then return visitors are a gift from the money gods. You didn’t have to pay again, they just came back. Let’s say you have 1000 visitors, and you increase your return customer rate to just 10%; if each visitor costs you $1, and you only have to pay for 900—you will save $100. Think of return visitors like money that returns to your wallet.

Stylaquin increases return customers and more

If you are an innovative Shopify website, you might consider adding Stylaquin to your site. Stylaquin is easy to add and prices start at less than a movie ticket. (Plus you get a month free.) Stylaquin shoppers stay 70% longer, view 180% more items, come back 28% more often and buy more when they do. Here’s a 90 second video that explains what it is and how it will help your Shopify website.

Why time on site is a key to outsmarting Google

Wondering why time on site is so important?

Time on Site is one of Google’s most important data points

If Google sends a searcher to a site and they leave quickly clearly it wasn’t a good fit for the searcher. That‘s bad for Google. The longer a searcher stays on a site, the more Google ranks it as a good site to send searchers to. Pretty simple math for an algorithm to understand. Good design, best sellers, engaging copy are all great ways to get visitors to spend more time on site. Your home page needs to be really compelling and what to click needs to be clear and easy to find; but most searchers won’t come to your site through your home page, they come through a Google link or an ad.

Don’t get mad at Google, outsmart it! Having trouble getting your site to rank well? Wondering how to get to the top positions without paying for placement? Google is just an algorithm, once you understand how it works, you can learn how to outsmart it. Download your copy today!

P.S. It’s free and we will never share your name. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Marketing to a targeted customer profile will help you create a site that appeals to a specific demographic, which is also something Google’s algorithm can understand and leverage. 

Spin-to-win apps that seemed to be everywhere for a while added time on site but gave out 5% -20% discounts that killed margin. Fun once or twice, but not for everyone, and they may actually turn off some visitors since not all shoppers are motivated by price.

The Stylaquin Shopify app increases time on site by offering a new way to shop that is more visually interesting, faster, and fun to use. As shoppers flip through a site, like they flip through a magazine, they view more items and stay longer. Not all shoppers use Stylaquin when they shop, but those who do move the needle significantly, about 70% more time on site, and Stylaquin isn’t giving up margin by offering discounts.

To learn more about how Google sees your site so you can learn to outsmart it, grab a copy of “How to Outsmart Google”. It demystifies the process and even comes with a handy planner to get you started.

Innovation that increases online sales? Really?

There is a Shopify App that will Increase sales!

Are you a Shopify website owner with great products but not enough site traffic and sales? Are you frustrated and confused about how to get more traffic and increase conversions?
Would you like your site to show a growth curve that even vaguely resembles a hockey stick? Before you say it’s impossible, or too much work, or crazy expensive, take a look at the results from three years of beta testing Stylaquin on a small gift and clothing site. The pink indicates when Stylaquin was active on the site.

Graph showing the change in total sales during beta testing

For two years before the site started beta testing, their sales and conversion rate was flat and not showing even the slightest sign of traction. The owner did her research and learned that content was king so she hired a blogger, but nothing much changed. She tried a loyalty program, and still nothing. Then the store joined the first Stylaquin beta program. In the first few months things started heading up, and up, and by the end of the first year, sales had increased a whopping 486%. That was just the beginning. Click here to see the data from three years of testing, or check out the 2-minute video below that shows how Stylaquin is re-imagining the online shopping experience.

If you’ve tried other apps that didn’t deliver, it’s probably hard to imagine another app will really move the needle, but Stylaquin is different. Most apps that say they increase sales don’t really get you past the problem of Google’s algorithm. Some are gimmicky, and most are covering things you’ve already done. Of course, Stylaquin isn’t a magic bullet, it does take time to work and the results build over time. That’s why we offer a month free, so you can experience the increases in time on site, items viewed, and return customer visits for yourself.

Stop trying to discount your way to success, and start delighting the shoppers who love to shop. Discount shoppers who just want everything for 50% off with free shipping should not be who you focus on. They are fickle and kill your ROI. Stylaquin helps you focus on power-shoppers, the folks who love to shop. They are more brand loyal, more likely to buy, and more likely to come back and buy more when they do. Power-shoppers are looking for a great online shopping experience, something engaging and fun. That’s exactly what Stylaquin gives them, a beautiful, unique and engaging online shopping experience. Give Stylaquin a try! It’s available in the Shopify App Store.

Why innovation matters to online shopping

Innovation is the spark that sets you apart

When you are trying to compete in a crowded marketplace, you need to stand out. There are several ways to do that: The lowest prices, the best service, unique products, interesting promotions, creative social media, and so on. Several of those are problematic from an ROI perspective. All require time, money and attention. The thing that is not on everyone’s list is innovation.  Innovation is easy compared to trying to discount you way to the top.

How do you become innovative?

Try new things, use new tools, be the first kid on the block to have something cool. Tech innovation does have the occasional hiccup, but the tradeoff is being at the forefront, standing out, being a leader. Is that important to your customers? If they are younger it is very important, if you want younger customers it is very important. 

Check out this video to see something that can totally transform any Shopify website in about 10 minutes. 

Stylaquin is available in the Shopify App Store and it’s FREE for the first month. Innovation doesn’t get much easier that that!

Online sales disappointing? Try targeting power-shoppers.

Power-shoppers just love shopping

They are the online shopping elite, the folks who love shopping and enjoy shopping online. But how can you get them to stop by and stay on your site?

Who are power-shoppers?

Power-shoppers come in all shapes and sizes but they share one thing — they love to shop. It’s really that simple. They like finding new things and they shop for entertainment. They are the ones who always have the perfect gift and who others go to for recommendations.

How do you get them to your site?

They find new sites lots of ways, it’s their hobby, so they are always looking for new places to shop. Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, magazine articles, friends and of course Google are all ways to get noticed. Post products and pictures that feature your best sellers, new and unique products. Don’t over-think it, just keep the feed full of what you sell. Ask customers to send pictures of themselves with your product and post them. Ask customers what their favorites are, start a conversation. Power-shoppers want to be entertained and engaged.

Make your site more fun and engaging!

Google is a tough nut to crack if you don’t want to pay for ads. Google’s customer is the person searching, not the company who buys ads. If Google doesn’t serve up great search results, customers will head over to other search engines. Google uses several metrics to select which sites to serve up below their paid ads, but the most important is engagement. The best way for them to determine if any site is going to please the searcher, is whether other searchers bounce, or do they shop and engage with the site?
The easiest way to get Google’s attention is to add Stylaquin to your Shopify site. Power-shoppers who use Stylaquin when they shop spend 70% more time on site, view over 100% more items and have a 3.5% higher conversion rate. They also return more often and buy more when they do. Google sees the increase in engagement and rewards the site with more customers—no additional ad spend needed. If you have a Shopify site visit the Shopify App Store to learn more about Stylaquin.

Animated gif showing a laptop that displays Stylaquin's Look Book Feature

Does Your Site Do This?

It can with Stylaquin! Stylaquin is the easy to add Shopify app that transforms your website. Stylaquin makes shopping faster, more engaging, and more fun. Stylaquin shoppers stay longer, view over 85% more products, come back more often, and buy more when they do. Find us in the Shopify App Store.

What is the best free Shopify theme?

How to choose the best free theme for your Shopify site

Shopify 2.0 themes

Before you get started looking at themes, you should know that Shopify has introduced a new theme structure that makes many things behind the scenes more streamlined and consistent. They call these themes 2.0 themes. While you can still buy themes that are not 2.0, it makes sense to start with 2.0 themes because Shopify is phasing out all its older themes, and will likely require all theme developers to adhere to the 2.0 standards in the not too distant future. 

There are currently 8 free Shopify 2.0 themes and over 80 total 2.0 themes. Most Shopify stores use free themes. More than 50% of all Shopify stores run on the free Debut theme. But that may not be your favorite, so how do you choose?

The big secret about Shopify themes is that they are all based on one theme, Dawn which is a free theme. Though there are differences between themes, you can make most themes work with most products. Theme developers use stock images to help you see what a theme would look like with active wear, or jewelry, or shoes, or children’s clothing. Don’t be fooled by this, the important  decisions are more about structure than about photos. You can change images, fonts, colors and add and remove sections on virtually all themes to craft them into a framework that supports your brand.

This easy to understand, eight page guide, will teach you how Google sees your website (hint: It’s not the way you do) and how to leverage that for more traffic and more sales. Download your copy today!

Home page

Do you want sliders on your home page? Do you want a single large image or multiple images? Do you want to have sections on your home page like sale items, or new items? Do you have a story to tell before customers start shopping? Answering these questions will help you narrow your choices. 

Product pages

There are differences between product pages as well, and some are pretty subtle. Is the shopping cart icon a cart or a bag? Does it show the number of items in the cart? Does it have a drawer function? Does it use a grid or mix things up? Does it have a hover function on the thumbnails? As you go through the different themes think about your target customer and keep asking yourself if the theme makes it easy for her/him to shop.  When in doubt, keep it simple.

Changing your mind

One of the best things about using a platform like Shopify is that you can easily change your theme and refresh your online brand. You can preview themes without buying them and even have several themes in your arsenal. You can have a theme for each season, or themes based on different colors. The limit is twenty themes in the queue, but only one can be your live theme at any time.

Paid theme or free theme?

What if you really like a paid theme? One of the most asked questions is “Why are paid Shopify themes so expensive?” The answer is two-fold. First Shopify only allows developers to charge once for a theme and then they must update it for free. So developers have to build in the price of updates. The second consideration is the time it takes to develop a theme. Even if all the themes are base off of one theme, the developers have done the customization for you to make it more interesting. If you really like a paid theme, try it out. Preview it on you site for free and see if the extra pizzaz is worth the money.  

Finding your perfect customer

Want more business? Find your perfect customer

Finding your perfect customer starts with getting to know your current customers. Marketers use personas to make visualizing and sharing who that customer is. 

Your customer personas should reflect who your customers are, so first, you’ll need some data to work with. Shopify doesn’t provide much customer information but Google does. (If you have not set up your site with Google, do that right now. It takes very little time and is easy to integrate with Shopify, here’s a link to instructions.) 

Once you get Google set up with Shopify, you’ll need to let it collect enough data to see trends and create segments.  While the data is coming in, consider taking Google’s free course on Google Analytics so you know your way around the dashboard.  

There is an abundance of information on Google, but not all of it matters to every company. Here are some of the basic things you’ll want to know.



Cheap vs chic


Geographic location

Marital/Couple status




It’s all about creating segments

There are thousands of customers shopping your store every day, you can’t possibly know them all, so if you want to market to them effectively, you’ll need to break them into groups (aka segments). When you review your customer data with Google Analytics you should see natural groupings. These groupings are what you’ll use to create segments of your customers.

If you would like to learn more about creating personas, download The Smart Shopify Persona Builder. It will help you understand what personas are, how to create them, and finally how to use that information when you are marketing to them. We have also included a Persona Builder worksheet to make the process easier.